A truck dispatcher coordinates the pickup and delivery of various cargo loads between clients, drivers, and suppliers. The profession necessitates strong organizational and communication skills, and many truck dispatchers can even work from home.
Furthermore, working as a truck dispatcher can provide numerous opportunities to advance within the company for which you work.
What is the job of a truck dispatcher?
Truck dispatchers, also known as freight dispatchers, work for freight and trucking companies, coordinating shipping operations among suppliers, drivers, and customers. They typically work with company drivers, but many also collaborate with other carriers to find available transport cargo and freight drivers. Truck dispatchers frequently perform various critical duties to ensure that operations run smoothly.
At M&J Dispatch, we offer instructional training on becoming a dispatcher. Our training will include:
How to Schedule a Load
You will be given step-by-step instructions on how to book a load, terminology (rate con, factoring, etc.), how to perform a credit check, and much more!
How to Contact a Broker
Telephone etiquette, what to ask, and why. The manner in which you communicate over the phone is critical to obtaining a successful load. Most likely, you will need to learn how to effectively communicate quickly. Details are very important during dispatch. To find out these details, you will need to understand everything about the load you are speaking about.
Loading Boards
What exactly is a load board, and why do we need one? Which is the most effective? How much do they set you back? You will learn how to effectively use a load board. These are very important skills used in dispatching. We will go over everything in detail for you.
How to Bargain a Rate
You will discover our methods to obtain the highest possible payout for a load. There is always a way to increase the pay for a load. The goal is to earn a profit and become one of the go-to’s in the industry for dispatching loads. This will be covered in the training.
Map of the Game
Learn where you can safely operate your truck in order to make the most money. What regions should you visit, and when should you go? You will also receive a complimentary PDF copy of our Game Map. This will help you help your truck drivers with questions they may have.
How to Finish a Packet
In some cases, a carrier packet is referred to as a broker packet. Brokers send a package of documents to carriers to help them set up and get approved to haul freight. The carrier completes and returns the various contracts and documents to the broker. You will learn what information is required and how to complete a broker packet.
Route Preparation
How to consistently maintain a consistent revenue, be home on the weekends and route your truck.
How to establish contacts with insurance companies, factoring firms, and brokers what are the advantages of networking? We will go over how to be successful in it.
The how, why, and where of effective marketing. Without marketing yourself, you will never get your dispatching company going. This is an important part of our training that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Becoming a dispatcher is simple with the help and training you will find here at M&J Dispatch. Contact us at 888-834-7728 today.
About MJ Dispatch
We at M&J Dispatch, LLC are a small business whose mission is to help small trucking companies take their company to the next level. Our focus is on small trucking companies that have less than 10 trucks and are in need of finding freight at the best price. Our truck dispatchers know the business better than anyone and are experts at finding the highest paying load helping you make the money you deserve. Our team of highly trained dispatchers will take care of all the paperwork, phone calls, and payments so all you have to do is DRIVE.