Let’s be honest, most of us try to live healthy lives, we want to be healthy, but it isn’t always easy. Life always seems to get in the way, and our health takes a back seat to what we think are more important things. I want to put an emphasis on we think because oftentimes we think that we will eat better tomorrow, or we will go walking later this week, our health is not usually a priority in our lives it is always something that we put off until later. I am here to tell you that later is NOW!
If you don’t make your health a priority today, one day very soon you will be sitting at home with an oxygen tank, barely able to make it to the bathroom without getting short of breath wondering how you got yourself into this condition. Don’t believe me? Ask my mom, she is 57 years old and is on oxygen 24 hours a day due to years of heavy smoking. No, my mom was never a truck driver, nor was she married to one but she still had a lot in common with some of you and that was smoking. I will save that topic for another blog but believe me it’s coming. So what does it take to be healthy? What does it mean? Everyone has their own ideas of what healthy is, and I am here to tell you mine. If you can get through your day and show up for your work, your family, and yourself without being tired and without only being half-in then I would say you are on your way to being healthy. You must have the energy necessary to provide for your family by working, but at the end of the day (or week) you must also have enough energy left over to play with your children, spend quality time with your spouse, and show up for those who love and care about you.
If you aren’t doing those things then guess what, you are not healthy. Healthy isn’t only eating the right foods or exercising. It is having a positive mindset, healthy relationships with those people who love and care about you, it’s showing up and participating in the activities that you love to do. It isn’t plopping down on the couch to watch Game of Thrones or scrolling Facebook for hours. You only get one life to live, and you need to show up for it! You need to have a list of goals tucked away that you want to achieve. If you don’t have a list, then you need to sit down and write it out. If you don’t think you want to even make a goal, that is fine but think to yourself why am I doing all this? Think, what am I here on this earth to accomplish? You, my friend, are an amazing, beautiful person who loves their family and wants to provide for them.
You are worth so much more and it starts with good health. If you take care of yourself, the rest will fall into place. If you need help, comment on this blog or send me a message on the contact us page. I would be so excited to help you find your goals, help you get healthier or just listen and offer advice from a friend. If you don’t get anything from this blog, please at least know this: you are an awesome person who can do anything you put your mind to, you just need a little bit of motivation. I hope I can help you get to a place where you are living a happy and healthier life!
About MJ Dispatch
We at M&J Dispatch, LLC are a small business whose mission is to help small trucking companies take their company to the next level. Our focus is on small trucking companies that have less than 10 trucks and are in need of finding freight at the best price. Our truck dispatchers know the business better than anyone and are experts at finding the highest paying load helping you make the money you deserve. Our team of highly trained dispatchers will take care of all the paperwork, phone calls, and payments so all you have to do is DRIVE.
God Bless,
Dr. Jen